Monday 11-18-24
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP
15 Wallballs
15 KBS
15 Situps
E3MOM STOP and complete 5 Deadlifts @ 185/275
Finisher: Not For Time
10-8-6 Rower In and Outs
:30-:20-:10 Hollow Hold
10-8-6 Barbell Rollouts
:30-:20-:10 Bar Hang L-Sit
Metcon: 15 Min AMRAP
15 Wallballs
15 KBS
15 Situps
E3MOM STOP and complete 5 Deadlifts @ 185/275
Finisher: Not For Time
10-8-6 Rower In and Outs
:30-:20-:10 Hollow Hold
10-8-6 Barbell Rollouts
:30-:20-:10 Bar Hang L-Sit