Adding CrossFit To Your Exercise Routine
More than 75% of adults in the U.S. say that being in shape and feeling good is extremely important to them, according to a recent survey. Regardless of those findings, only 31 percent said they make exercise a regular habit and 45 percent admitted they weren’t active at all. These findings from Reportlinker are not that surprising when you really look at the current landscape of health, wellness, and nutrition. People are finding it harder and harder to carve out time for exercise. Adding CrossFit has worked for countless in this exact situation.
For so many that do have a hard time creating the habit of remaining active, adding Crossfit could be the missing link. First, exploring the advantages outside of the expected physical benefits Crossfit can yield helps create an awareness of what’s possible.
CrossFit Is A Community
If you ask Crossfit participants, by far and away one of the most attractive benefits is the community it creates. Aside from the flexibility of classes at all hours of the day, participants can enjoy working out with peers in a way that is high energy, engaging and competitive. Most people stop going to the gym because of the monotony of going by themselves or even with a partner to do the same routine over and over again. CrossFit to a routine lends itself perfectly for those looking to be a part of something, stay engaged for months, not weeks and are actually happy with the results they’re seeing and feeling.
Combine that community with the personal development that stems from a Crossfit routine, people begin to gain more confidence in themselves, improve the way they handle failure and generally become healthier as a result of Crossfit.
Extensive experience lifting weights is almost never necessary and in fact, provides an alternative workout for those serious athletes. That couldn’t be further from reality. Crossfit allows those at all different ages and abilities to work out in an atmosphere that allows them to develop at their own pace and capability. This is extremely unique, as sports like martial arts, swimming, yoga, basketball, and tennis all require a certain skill level to participate in certain groups. With Crossfit, everyone is unique and can participate at the exact same time with zero stigmas.
Mental Advantages to CrossFit
Aside from the physical advantages of participating in Crossfit, there are quite a few mental and emotional advantages as well. Of course, there are the increased energy levels that go with a close-knit community, but it’s the motivation, social skills, and discipline that keeps people committed to Crossfit. Fortunately for most, all are life skills that carry over and ultimately affect their every day lives.
For those looking to explore an alternative way to increase energy, feel part of something, & push themselves to feel great, Crossfit lends itself perfectly. Even a 1-3x per week routine can drastically improve someone’s mindset and desire to live a healthier lifestyle. The best way, for those that haven’t participated yet, is to explore a class that gives them a taste. Only once you experience it for yourself do you get a true appreciation for all Crossfit has to offer.
As the great basketball coach John Wooden once said:
“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be”.
The only way to change up the routine is to try something new. Crossfit is a great place to start.